Collection: Shop Premium Cookies

Our Premium Cookie Collection is what happens when we let our imaginations go wild in our test kitchens. Some of our most popular cookies are found in our Premium Collection with some being rotated seasonally. Check back often to see what fresh and creative new flavors will be added next!

**Read below about our decision to raise our prices for our Premium cookies as of 2/25/2024.

Dear Humble Cookie Friends:

After over a year of creating our fanciest cookies, we have realized that fancy does not come cheap. Quality ingredients, house-made sub-recipes along with extra labor to produce our Premium cookies have forced us to raise the prices. Moving forward, we will be tweaking our cookie varieties and flavors, adding more Classic varieties that will offer the same quality and deliciousness, but a little less fancy. However, we will continue to create fancy cookies as long as our customers are asking for them. The bottom line is that we will be offering choices as well as listening to our customers to help us navigate the direction we take as we continue to create all the flavors we have in our heads. Making a food business successful is not easy and harder today with the high cost of food items and operation, but we will continue to learn good business sense and create the best tasting cookies we can as long as our customers inspire us to do so.  

                                                                                 Much love & gratitude – Alicia & Luann

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